- Semeru Karya Buana’s Vice President Director, Mr. Iswahyudi as a Head of Organization Division of Himki DPD Semarang Raya became the chairman of the 3rd Plenary Session of the Semarang Raya HIMKI Regional Conference that was held at the Santika Premier Hotel on June 13, 2024.
The theme of the regional conference was to re-organization of HIMKI for the advancement of the furniture and craft industry.
The regional conference was attended by the Heads of related Agencies from Central Java Province and Semarang City, DPP HIMKI Jakarta, the nearest DPD HIMKI, all HIMKI members and also the Sponsors.
In the conference, Mr. Kus Widiarso was appointed as the Chairperson of HIMKI for the 2024-2027 period by acclamation by the formator team.